Kerala Public Service Commission invites online application only through One Time Registration from qualified candidates for appointment in the undermentioned post Driver cum Office Attendant in Various Govt. Owned Companies /Corporations /Boards /Authorities/Societies.
- Name of Firm : Various Govt. Owned Companies /Corporations /Boards /Authorities/Societies.
- Name of Post : Driver cum Office Attendant (LMV) CATEGORY NO: 043/2024
- Scale of Pay :Scale of pay as prescribed for the post by the concerned organization.
- Number of vacancies : Anticipated Vacancies
- Age : 18-36. Only candidates born between 02.01.1988 and 01.01.2006
(both dates included) are eligible to apply for this post. Other
Backward Communities and SC/ST candidates are eligible for usual
age relaxation.
- A pass in Std VII or equivalent qualification.
- Must possess a current, Motor Driving Licence of three years standing to drive Light Motor vehicles with Drivers Badge. Note: The Drivers Badge has been exempted for driving Light Motor Vehicles from 12.10.2018.
- Medical Fitness: Should be medically fit as per the standards specified below: (I) Ear: Hearing should be perfect (II) Eye:Distant vision: 6/6– Snellen for both eyes. Near Vision: 0.5 Snellen for both eyes.Colour Vision: Normal Night Blindness :Nil Field of vision: Full (III) Muscles and joints : No Paralysis and all joints with free movements (IV)Nervous System: Perfectly normal and free from any infectious diseases.
- Last date of receipt of applications: 02.05.2024 Thursday upto 12 midnight.
- For Official Notification click here
- For Online Application click here